Slide supports

Roll supports

Roller supports are used to sustain the weight of pipes that transport liquids subject to temperature variations.

Thermal expansion causes friction on all points the piping rests on. These forces are transferred to the underlying structure so it is necessary to use roller supports with a low coefficient of friction to mitigate them.

Our roller supports are manufactured in nine distinct types and in different sizes in order to adapt to various pipe diameters
and loads.

slide supports, Slide supports, Inoflex

We offer the following types:

Teflon supports

INOFLEX Teflon sliding pads are employed to support the weight of pipes and equipment subject to movements.

The friction coefficient of the sliding pad is maintained within small values (0,04) so as to minimize the friction forces in correspondence of every support point.

slide supports, Slide supports, Inoflex

We offer the following types: